Union Internationale de la Marionnette

Non-Governmental Organization affiliated to UNESCO

Cultural Exchanges Commission

Espectàculo Graine de zizanie / Foto: Compagnie Guignol à roulettes.
Last updated: 19-01-2017

The Cultural Exchanges Commission, created in 2000, was not renewed at the 2016 Congress.

The Cultural Exchanges Commission (CEC) aims to create networks of exchange and mutual knowledge between members of UNIMA and general interested.


Grants to attend festivals

The Commission has created an extensive network that offers their cooperation to facilitate  festival attendance by UNIMA members. Participating  festivals in the network offer free: Lodging + Foods + Tickets for the performances.

 Web social projects with puppets

With Periscopio, it provides a new space of communication, through the site,  for those who wish to disseminate experiences and projects that connect puppetry with the promotion of social values and human rights.

Free network of accomodation : B&P UNIMA

B&P UNIMA is a hosting members network to stimulate international exchange between UNIMA members during congress, meetings, festivals, master classes or simple travel. It permits UNIMA members to meet all over the world. It is possible to lodge, travel, or both.